Featured member of the month...Missy.
HI There, Ok.. I'm not really a member of the club..But rather attached to A Member of the club. While the Pro Circuit has Rafa Nadal with all his quirks - water bottle lining ups, 5 ball bounce, etc.... MRC has their own Quirky player. Missy Chiesa ( my owner ) She's been a member of the MRC for about 7 years? Some of her quirks are her attachment to having all 3 balls when serving, Serving in the sun, .. and the phrases.. "It's a crap shoot!!", "SHITAKE !" (trying to keep the ol' potty mouth in check) "Mother of Pearl!" And the one she uses most..."YOURS!" ( haha.. that one always gets her tennis partner.) I tell you, if I wasnt attached to her foot...... But serously, she's been a member of the MRC for approx 7 years. When she started out she didn't like mixed doubles and played on a team called the Banshees out of Washington Park. But as the years have progressed and she has become more involved with MRC she has moved her Banshees over to MRC for home courts, she ventured into the playing Mixed doubles, (it's a match up she enjoys alot) and has taken on the task of Hospitality for the Board. During this time she has gotten to know and interact with so many members of the club; friendships and tennis has blossomed. Truth be told, while MRC is a Treasure of a club, the Members are the Hidden Gems, they make the club all that much more enjoyable and add a sparkle to her day. Happy to be on her foot, tapping away and scrambling up and the courts, I'm happy she choose me to be there with her, accompanying her, quirks and all. As she has been noted to say: "Play Tennis! It'll do a Volley Good"